dimanche 24 avril 2011

Leroy Merlin organizes an event tour!

Leroy Merlin organizes an event tour!
The event agency, Pro Deo, organize an event to Leroy Merlin to promote his guide “All the Rooms of the house". 

To 27 april from 22 may 2011, the event tour, “The monuments of the inspiration” is in 7 cities in France (Lille, Paris, Bordeaux, Lyon, Poitiers, Toulon and Marseille)
To the occasion, Pro Deo created a big frame which advance a urban element (one status or column for example). Advicers give arrangement, decoration or do-it-yourself advice.

There is also an ad campaign in the free press, in regional daily press and social networks. A game on facebook, “I frame my deco” allows to win 7000 € of purchase vouchers. 

dimanche 10 avril 2011

Together against the death penalty !

On the occasion of 30 years of the abolition of the death penalty in France and the launch of his new internet site www.abolition.fr, the 8 april 2011, the association « Together against the death penalty» invites you to express your position.

The artistic installation installed by Marcel agency. It’s two digital panels face to face. Every panels Spread a vidéo : A serviceman with his rifle, on the first panel, aiming at a condemned person, on the other one. When a person is between the two panels, the serviceman lowers his weapon and the condemned person is freed.