samedi 22 janvier 2011

Chanel n°5 is exhibited in d’Orsey museum

To celebrate the 90 years of Chanel n°5 emblematic fragrance created in 1921, the brand billed the bottle’s image of 260m2 on the face of d’Orsey museum, to 6 from 28 January 2011. 
It composed 1200 bold sequins. This work in big size was assembled in the hand.

samedi 15 janvier 2011

In 2010, IKEA squat the bus shelter

To 15 from 21 December, IKEA promotes her best-seller sofas!

After the successful of the first operation in the underground, IKEA suggests to the Parisian to wait the bus in a comfortable sofa, to show with IKEA we feel good!

The brand creates the illusion to install sofas, objects and stickers:
- Place de La Bastille (2 bus shelter)
- Rue de Rennes (2 bus shelter)
- Opéra (2 bus shelter)
- Etienne Marcel (2 bus shelter)
- St Michel (1 bus shelter)
- Sèvres Babylone (1 bus shelter)
- Ternes (2 bus shelter)IKEA set up a game competition: “the bus shelter race”. 

Ten first ones and the most original photo took away an IKEA gift voucher to 100€.

IKEA installed its sofa in the underground

IKEA creates the buzz: In 2009, the brand installed her furniture in the stations of Parisian underground to test the quality of the brand’s products.

The sofas are of the Karlstad and Ektorp collection. It installed in the underground: Saint Lazare, Champs Elysées Clémenceau, Concorde and Opéra, during ten days.

dimanche 9 janvier 2011

Canalsat sing during the christmas Holiday to « Conquer the Mucoviscidose »

The Canalsat employees, charity volunteers, more than 400 singers, professionals and amateurs choristers, convened to sing traditional christmas songs.

Canalsat undertook to give some money at the “Conquer the Mucoviscidose” charity.

It wants to show is a different brand which offer entertainment and which has value: proximity and generosity.

samedi 8 janvier 2011

Mentos create the event to launch « Mentos Cola » !

Mentos launch his new cola sweet and create the event in Paris to 21 june 2008 with RPCA agency.

To the program : a show with learned madmen who create Mentos explosive geysers, accompanied by the DJ current star in live : David Vendetta. 

Playstation create the event in World show of the automobile !

Playstation, On the occasion of the launch of its last automobile games from 25 september to 10 october 2004, create the event in World show of the automobile and wear the central path of the exhibition center with : A décoration of circuit, borders Playstation, simulators, competition, animations... 

It’s the first time a trademark invest this very frequented space.